Public Holidays In Malaysia 2025: A Comprehensive Calendar

Public Holidays in Malaysia 2025: A Comprehensive Calendar


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Public Holidays in Malaysia 2025: A Comprehensive Calendar

Public Holidays 2025 - Calendar Malaysia

Malaysia, a vibrant and multicultural nation in Southeast Asia, observes a diverse array of public holidays throughout the year. These holidays commemorate significant cultural, religious, and national events, providing opportunities for citizens to celebrate, reflect, and connect with their heritage.

The public holiday calendar for Malaysia in 2025 is as follows:


  • 1st January (Thursday): New Year’s Day
  • 24th January (Friday): Federal Territory Day (Kuala Lumpur, Putrajaya, Labuan)


  • 4th February (Tuesday): Chinese New Year
  • 5th February (Wednesday): Chinese New Year (second day)


  • 8th March (Saturday): International Women’s Day (not a public holiday)
  • 18th March (Tuesday): Awal Muharram (Islamic New Year)


  • 10th April (Thursday): Good Friday
  • 11th April (Friday): Easter Saturday (not a public holiday)
  • 12th April (Saturday): Easter Sunday


  • 1st May (Thursday): Labour Day
  • 17th May (Saturday): Wesak Day (Buddha’s Birthday)
  • 23rd May (Friday): Hari Raya Aidilfitri (Eid al-Fitr)
  • 24th May (Saturday): Hari Raya Aidilfitri (second day)


  • 5th June (Thursday): King’s Birthday
  • 12th June (Thursday): Trinity Monday (not a public holiday)


  • 1st July (Tuesday): Hari Raya Haji (Eid al-Adha)
  • 2nd July (Wednesday): Hari Raya Haji (second day)


  • 31st August (Sunday): National Day
  • 31st August (Sunday): Malaysia Day


  • 16th September (Tuesday): Malaysia Day (Sabah, Sarawak)


  • 28th October (Tuesday): Deepavali (Diwali)


  • 1st November (Saturday): All Saints’ Day (not a public holiday)
  • 14th November (Friday): Deepavali (second day)


  • 25th December (Thursday): Christmas Day
  • 26th December (Friday): Boxing Day (not a public holiday)

Additional Notes:

  • Public holidays in Malaysia are typically observed on the actual date of the event. However, if the holiday falls on a weekend, it is usually shifted to the following Monday.
  • Some states in Malaysia may observe additional public holidays that are not listed in the national calendar. These include:
    • Johor: Sultan of Johor’s Birthday (February 23rd)
    • Kedah: Sultan of Kedah’s Birthday (September 17th)
    • Kelantan: Sultan of Kelantan’s Birthday (October 11th)
    • Negeri Sembilan: Yang di-Pertuan Besar’s Birthday (August 24th)
    • Pahang: Sultan of Pahang’s Birthday (October 24th)
    • Perak: Sultan of Perak’s Birthday (November 5th)
    • Perlis: Raja of Perlis’ Birthday (November 14th)
    • Sabah: Sabah Independence Day (August 31st)
    • Sarawak: Sarawak Independence Day (July 22nd)
  • Public holidays in Malaysia are an important part of the country’s cultural fabric, providing opportunities for citizens to celebrate their heritage, strengthen family ties, and participate in community events.

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