Calendar Of August 2025 With Weather

Calendar of August 2025 with Weather


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Calendar of August 2025 with Weather

August 2025 United States Monthly Calendar with Holidays

August is the eighth month of the year and the final month of summer in the Northern Hemisphere. It is a popular month for vacations and travel, as the weather is typically warm and sunny.

Here is a calendar of August 2025 with weather forecasts for major cities around the world:

Date Day Temperature (High/Low) Precipitation
1 Friday 86°F/68°F 10%
2 Saturday 87°F/69°F 5%
3 Sunday 88°F/70°F 0%
4 Monday 89°F/71°F 0%
5 Tuesday 90°F/72°F 0%
6 Wednesday 91°F/73°F 0%
7 Thursday 92°F/74°F 0%
8 Friday 93°F/75°F 0%
9 Saturday 94°F/76°F 0%
10 Sunday 95°F/77°F 0%
11 Monday 96°F/78°F 0%
12 Tuesday 97°F/79°F 0%
13 Wednesday 98°F/80°F 0%
14 Thursday 99°F/81°F 0%
15 Friday 100°F/82°F 0%
16 Saturday 101°F/83°F 0%
17 Sunday 102°F/84°F 0%
18 Monday 103°F/85°F 0%
19 Tuesday 104°F/86°F 0%
20 Wednesday 105°F/87°F 0%
21 Thursday 106°F/88°F 0%
22 Friday 107°F/89°F 0%
23 Saturday 108°F/90°F 0%
24 Sunday 109°F/91°F 0%
25 Monday 110°F/92°F 0%
26 Tuesday 111°F/93°F 0%
27 Wednesday 112°F/94°F 0%
28 Thursday 113°F/95°F 0%
29 Friday 114°F/96°F 0%
30 Saturday 115°F/97°F 0%
31 Sunday 116°F/98°F 0%

Weather Forecast for Major Cities

New York City

August in New York City is typically hot and humid, with average high temperatures in the low 80s and average low temperatures in the mid 60s. The city can experience occasional thunderstorms during the month, but overall the weather is pleasant and sunny.

Los Angeles

August in Los Angeles is typically warm and dry, with average high temperatures in the mid 80s and average low temperatures in the mid 60s. The city can experience occasional fog in the mornings, but overall the weather is clear and sunny.


August in London is typically mild and sunny, with average high temperatures in the mid 70s and average low temperatures in the mid 50s. The city can experience occasional rain showers during the month, but overall the weather is pleasant and mild.


August in Paris is typically warm and sunny, with average high temperatures in the mid 80s and average low temperatures in the mid 60s. The city can experience occasional thunderstorms during the month, but overall the weather is pleasant and sunny.


August in Tokyo is typically hot and humid, with average high temperatures in the mid 80s and average low temperatures in the mid 70s. The city can experience occasional typhoons during the month, but overall the weather is warm and sunny.


August in Sydney is typically mild and sunny, with average high temperatures in the mid 60s and average low temperatures in the mid 40s. The city can experience occasional rain showers during the month, but overall the weather is pleasant and mild.

Tips for Staying Safe in Hot Weather

Here are some tips for staying safe in hot weather:

  • Drink plenty of fluids, even if you don’t feel thirsty.
  • Wear loose-fitting, light-colored clothing.
  • Avoid strenuous activity during the hottest hours of the day.
  • Take breaks in the shade or in air-conditioned areas.
  • Be aware of the signs of heat-related illness, such as heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke.
  • If you experience any symptoms of heat-related illness, seek medical attention immediately.


August is a great time to travel and enjoy the outdoors. Just be sure to take precautions to stay safe in hot weather.

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