2025 US Holidays Calendar: A Comprehensive Overview

2025 US Holidays Calendar: A Comprehensive Overview


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2025 US Holidays Calendar: A Comprehensive Overview

2025 United States Calendar with Holidays

The United States observes a diverse array of holidays throughout the year, each with its own unique history, significance, and traditions. From national commemorations to religious observances, these holidays provide opportunities for Americans to pause, reflect, and celebrate their shared heritage and values. In this article, we present a comprehensive overview of the 2025 US holidays calendar, exploring the significance of each holiday and providing practical information for planning your year ahead.


  • New Year’s Day (January 1, Thursday): The first day of the Gregorian calendar, New Year’s Day marks the start of a new year and is celebrated with fireworks, parades, and resolutions.
  • Martin Luther King Jr. Day (January 20, Monday): This federal holiday honors the legacy of civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr., who dedicated his life to fighting racial inequality and promoting nonviolent resistance.
  • Inauguration Day (January 20, Monday): Every four years, Inauguration Day marks the swearing-in of the newly elected President of the United States.


  • Groundhog Day (February 2, Sunday): According to folklore, if a groundhog sees its shadow on Groundhog Day, there will be six more weeks of winter.
  • Valentine’s Day (February 14, Friday): A day dedicated to love and romance, Valentine’s Day is celebrated with chocolates, flowers, and romantic gestures.
  • Presidents’ Day (February 17, Monday): Originally known as Washington’s Birthday, this federal holiday now commemorates all US Presidents, past and present.


  • St. Patrick’s Day (March 17, Monday): This Irish holiday celebrates the life of Saint Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland. It is traditionally marked by parades, green attire, and shamrock-shaped decorations.
  • Nowruz (March 20, Thursday): The Persian New Year, Nowruz marks the first day of spring and is celebrated with feasts, music, and the exchange of gifts.


  • April Fools’ Day (April 1, Tuesday): A day dedicated to harmless pranks and jokes, April Fools’ Day is a lighthearted tradition that encourages laughter and good humor.
  • Good Friday (April 11, Friday): A Christian holiday that commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, Good Friday is observed with solemn services and prayer.
  • Easter Sunday (April 13, Sunday): The most important Christian holiday, Easter celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ and is marked by church services, egg hunts, and family gatherings.


  • Cinco de Mayo (May 5, Monday): This Mexican holiday commemorates the Mexican victory over the French at the Battle of Puebla in 1862. It is celebrated with parades, music, and traditional Mexican cuisine.
  • Mother’s Day (May 11, Sunday): A day dedicated to honoring mothers, Mother’s Day is celebrated with gifts, flowers, and special meals.
  • Memorial Day (May 26, Monday): A federal holiday that honors the men and women who have died while serving in the US military. It is traditionally observed with parades, wreath-laying ceremonies, and visits to cemeteries.


  • Juneteenth (June 19, Thursday): A federal holiday that commemorates the end of slavery in the United States, Juneteenth is celebrated with parades, festivals, and educational events.
  • Father’s Day (June 22, Sunday): A day dedicated to honoring fathers, Father’s Day is celebrated with gifts, cards, and special meals.


  • Independence Day (July 4, Friday): The most significant US holiday, Independence Day commemorates the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776. It is celebrated with fireworks, parades, barbecues, and patriotic displays.


  • No major federal holidays in August.


  • Labor Day (September 1, Monday): A federal holiday that honors the contributions of American workers, Labor Day marks the unofficial end of summer. It is typically celebrated with picnics, parades, and barbecues.
  • Rosh Hashanah (September 29, Monday): The Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah is a two-day holiday that marks the beginning of the High Holy Days.


  • Columbus Day (October 13, Monday): This federal holiday commemorates the arrival of Christopher Columbus in the Americas in 1492. It is often accompanied by parades and educational events.
  • Halloween (October 31, Friday): A festive holiday that originated in Celtic traditions, Halloween is celebrated with costumes, trick-or-treating, and spooky decorations.


  • Election Day (November 4, Tuesday): A national holiday that coincides with the midterm elections, Election Day is an opportunity for Americans to exercise their right to vote.
  • Veterans Day (November 11, Tuesday): A federal holiday that honors all US veterans, past and present. It is observed with parades, ceremonies, and visits to veterans’ memorials.
  • Thanksgiving (November 27, Thursday): A national holiday that celebrates family, gratitude, and the harvest, Thanksgiving is traditionally marked by turkey dinners, parades, and football games.


  • Christmas Eve (December 24, Wednesday): The evening before Christmas Day, Christmas Eve is a time for family gatherings, gift-giving, and religious services.
  • Christmas Day (December 25, Thursday): The most widely celebrated Christian holiday, Christmas Day commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ. It is observed with church services, gift-giving, and family meals.
  • New Year’s Eve (December 31, Wednesday): The last day of the year, New Year’s Eve is a time for reflection, celebration, and anticipation of the year ahead. It is often marked by parties, fireworks, and resolutions.

Planning Ahead

The 2025 US holidays calendar provides ample opportunities for rest, relaxation, and celebration. By planning ahead, you can make the most of these special days and create lasting memories with your loved ones. Consider booking travel, making reservations, or organizing events well in advance to ensure a smooth and enjoyable holiday experience.


The 2025 US holidays calendar is a diverse and meaningful collection of observances that reflect the rich history, culture, and values of the United States. From solemn commemorations to festive celebrations, these holidays provide opportunities for Americans to pause, reflect, and connect with their shared heritage. By understanding the significance and traditions associated with each holiday, we can appreciate their importance and celebrate them in a way that honors their unique spirit.

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